Considerations Before You Design A Shower

Tub-To-Shower Conversion In Muskego By TightSeal Exteriors & Baths

The Top Five Considerations Before A
Muskego Tub-To-Shower Conversion

Get The Best Results When You Convert
Your Bathtub To A Shower

Deciding to embark on a Muskego tub-to-shower conversionis a big decision. While it can be an exciting time – with the prospect of a new space on the horizon – it can also feel overwhelming.

There are a lot of things that homeowners need to consider before diving in. You have to think about the budget, the company to work with, the size of the shower, and more.

If done right, a tub-to-shower conversion can make a huge difference to your everyday life and completely transform your space. So, to make sure you get the best service possible, TightSeal Exteriors & Baths wants to help.

We have created this all-inclusive guide of the top five things every homeowner needs to begin before starting their tub-to-shower conversion.

1. Choosing The Best Company
For Tub-To-Shower Remodeling

One of the top considerations for every homeowner in Waukesha County is the company they will work with for their tub-to-shower conversion services.

The company you choose to put your trust in can make a huge difference in the results and the experience you have during your tub-to-shower conversion. You need to find someone with a spectacular reputation who you can rely on to do the job right.

How do you do that?

A good place to start is at the reviews. Any reputable company will have a plethora of accessible reviews for you to look through. Make sure that the good outweighs the bad and take the time to discover how homeowners describe their experience – not just the results.

After all, no one wants to have a stressful remodel, right?

If a company has a lot of negative reviews, then it might be best to move on. Another good place to look to get a better understanding of the company and its reputation is the Better Business Bureau’s website.

Look for a company that consistently receives high ratings from the Better Business Bureau.

You can also look at their gallery to see images of their past work.

This will help you decide if you like their style and if it is what you are looking for.

Additionally, meet with the companies that pique your interest the most. See if you get a good feeling during the consultation and take the time to ask any of your questions. If they are responsive and able to make you feel at ease with the remodeling process, then it may be a perfect fit.

2. Setting The Budget For Your
Tub-To-Shower Conversion

As with any home remodeling project, it’s important to have a budget in mind before you start your tub-to-shower conversion services.

A budget will help you effectively choose the features for your new shower that won’t break the bank but still enhance your style. Discussing your ideas with a few companies can help make setting the budget easier.

This way, you can get an idea of the cost of your desired features and what you want to include the most.

You can also see if the company you are leaning towards offers financing to make budgeting for your project easier.

3. Think About The Features You Want When
You Convert Your Bathtub To A Shower

One of the best things about starting a tub-to-shower conversion is having the ability to completely redesign your space. You can add features that make your shower feel more luxurious or features that make it more accessible.

Are you looking for a shower that will make aging in place comfortable and simple? Consider adding grab bars or shower seats to your showers.

Do you want something that will keep your bathroom organized and look luxurious? Then, you may want to consider including built-in shelving in your shower.

The sky’s the limit. Choose things that you know you will love.

4. The Size Of Your Tub-To-Shower Conversion

The size of your new shower is one of the most important things to consider. A lot of homeowners choose to embark on a tub-to-shower conversion service to optimize their bathroom’s layout.

If you have a smaller space, then you may want to consider a corner shower with an open look. This can make your bathroom appear larger.

If you have more space to play around with, then you can go bigger. Make sure to think about your layout and your needs before you install a new shower.

5. Choosing Quality Materials During Your
Tub-To-Shower Remodeling Project

A top consideration is the materials used to build your new shower. If your shower is made with lower-quality materials, you may find yourself dealing with the hassle of repairs or having to make another replacement sooner than expected.

Ensure that you choose to work with a company dedicated to using top-tier materials in all of its remodeling projects.

Luckily, TightSeal Exteriors & Baths fit the bill. We’ve been committed to offering high-quality materials to our customers since our founding in 1991. When you come to us, you can rest assured that you’ll get the ideal tub-to-shower conversion.

Are you ready to start your Muskego tub-to-shower remodeling project? Reach out to the professionals at TightSeal Exteriors & Baths to get your free quote today.